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Anemourion (near modern Anamur) was a city and bishopric of Isauria at the southernmost point of Anatolia opposite Cyprus. Excavations have revealed the nature and development of Anemourion through the 7th century. After a major setback in the late 3rd century, recovery is attested in the 4th century by the construction of large baths and in the 5th by basilical churches with mosaic decoration. In 382, a new city wall was erected against the Isaurians, but their attacks led to a decline by the late 5th century, prosperity returned with the establishment of peace in the 6th century. Major changes affected Anemourion in the late 6th and early 7th centuries, when large churches were abandoned and the baths and other civic buildings were filled with small houses and industrial workplaces, evidently a reflection of crowding and impoverishment. Anemourion was abandoned peacefully around 660 when the Arabs gained control of Cyprus; its population probably retreated to the adjacent hill, whose extensive unstudied fortifications appear to include Byzantine sections.

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Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium



Anemourion Album (Byzantine Legacy Flickr)


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