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Bode Museum

Reproduction of Apse Mosaic from the Church of San Michele in Africisco in Ravenna

Torso of a Porphyry Emperor Statue

Egypt, 4th century

Relief with Healing of Blind Men

Constantinople, late 5th century

Gambling Machine with Scenes of Chariot Racing

Constantinople, c. 500

Relief of the Hetoimasia

Constantinople, c. 400

Relief with Moses

Constantinople, first half of 4th century

Gravestone of Rhodia

Egypt, 5th century

Consular Diptych of Justinus 

Constantinople, c. 540

Diptych with Christ and the Virgin Mary

Constantinople, mid 6th century

Great Berlin Pyxis

Possible Rome or Constantinople, c. 400

Pyxis with Miracles of Christ’s Healing

Egypt, 2nd half of 6th century

Comb of Emperor Leo VI

Constantinople, 886-912

Capitals with Vines and Pinecones

Constantinople, 2nd quarter of the 6th century

Capitals from Pantokrator Monastery in Constantinople

Pergamon and Constantinople, 11th-12th Century

Triptych with Crucifix of Christ and Saints

Constantinople, 11th century

Olifant (Horn)

Byzantine, 11th century

Rosette Casket with Battle Scenes, Animals, and Mythical Creatures

Constantinople, 12th century

Mosaic Icon of Christ Pantokrator

Constantinople, first quarter of 12 century

Mosaic Icon with Crucified Christ
Constantinople, end of 13th century

Reliefs with Scenes of the Lives of Christ and Mary

Byzantine Empire or Italy, 13th-14th century

Reliefs of the Theotokos and Archangel Michael

Constantinople, third quarter of 13th century

Fountain Icon of the Theotokos

Peribleptos Monastery in Constantinople, 12th c

Panel of a Chancel Screen

Constantinople, 12th century

Panel Fragment of a Chancel Screen

Constantinople or Venice, 11th-12th century

Entry of Christ into Jerusalem from a Triptych

Constantinople, 10th century

Relief of Christ Washing the Feet of His Disciples

Constantinople, 10th-11th century

Forty Martyrs of Sebaste from a Triptych

Constantinople, 10th century

Deesis from a Triptych

Constantinople, 10th century

Enthroned Christ from a Triptych

Constantinople, 11th-12th century

Relief Panel with Crucifixion

Constantinople, 11th century

Relief of the Pentecost

Constantinople, 11th-12th century

Relief with the Crucifixion of Christ

Byzantine, 11th-12th century

Ascension of Christ from a Triptych

Byzantine, 11th-12th century 

Crucifixion of Christ from a Triptych

Late Byzantine

Inscription of John VIII Palaiologos
Gate of the Pege (Silivrikapı) on the Theodosian Walls
Constantinople, 1439

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Created by David Hendrix Copyright 2016
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