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Dereaǧzi is a site in the Kasaba Valley of central Lycia, noted for its elaborate cross-domed church, which has a domed nave, side aisles ending in pastophoria, a narthex flanked by towers, an exonarthex, and two attached octagons; galleries rise above the aisles and narthex. The masonry consists of rubble faced with cut stones, with bands of brick; much of the material was imported from the region of Constantinople. Traces of frescoes and mosaics suggest a date in the late 9th or early 10 century. The architecture finds parallels in the Lips Monastery and the Myrelaion in Constantinople. The Byzantine name of the church is unknown. Surrounding buildings suggest it was a monastery; its size, wealth, and style indicate a wealthy patron in the capital. The site also housed a small settlement, protected by a large fortress with towers of varying shape; it contains cisterns and ruined buildings and may date from the 9th century.

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