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Gülhane Park Cistern

A Late Antique cistern was discovered in Gülhane Park in 1913.

The cistern in Gülhane Park has a rectangular plan measuring around 17 x 12 meters with a depth of 7 meters. It has 12 columns (four rows with three columns) supporting 20 vaults. The columns have 12 unfinished Corinthian capitals, simple imposts, and bases made of Proconnesian marble. There are masons’ marks on some bases, capitals, and columns. Its walls, which are almost 2 meters thick, are lined with hydraulic mortar. The corners are beveled to strengthen the structure from internal water pressure. Traces of a discharge channel are on its northwest wall, while a terracotta inflow pipe is in one of the vaults. The remains of the superstructure can be seen above the cistern. While its function is uncertain, it could have been connected to a monastery or perhaps a bath. The cistern has been dated between the fifth and seventh centuries.

The cistern was discovered by chance in 1913 during work to turn the outer garden of Topkapı Palace into a public park that began the previous year. It was cleaned and documented in the same year. Five arched openings were made in two of the original walls and a metal staircase was added inside to make the cistern accessible to the public. Several capitals, which were discovered during the excavations at the site, are now on display above the cistern. One Ionic impost capital was added to an additional wall on the northwest wall.

There was a small zoo in Gülhane Park in the second half of the twentieth century, during which time the cistern functioned as its aquarium. It was restored in 2003-2004 and excavations were made above the cistern. In the following years, the cistern was closed to the public. Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (İBB) opened to the public as Gülhane Sanat art exhibition in 2023.

A special thanks to Dr. Kerim Altuğ for help writing the text

Unfinished Corinthian Capital and Simple Impost

Capitals with Masons’ Marks (Ν and Η)

Column Base

Terracotta inflow pipe in vault

Traces of a discharge channel on its northwest wall

Brick dimension: width 35-40 cm, thickness 4 cm

Cistern before recent restoration

Superstructure remains above the cistern

Corinthian capitals and Ionic impost capitals, which were discovered in the area of the cistern, are on display above the cistern.

Fountain with the tugra of Sultan Mehmed V

Inscription with date Hijri 1329 [1913] 

Cistern Excavations in 1913

Gülhane Park Cistern around 1915

Gülhane Park Cistern from Turkish movieYalancı (1965)

Plan by Wulzinger


Altuğ, K. İstanbul'da Bizans Dönemi Sarnıçlarının Mimari Özellikleri ve Kentin Tarihsel Topografyasındaki Dağılımı 

Tezcan, H. Topkapı Sarayı ve Çevresinin Bizans Devri Arkeolojisi

Wulzinger, K. “Byzantinische Substruktionsbauten Konstantinopels” (Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts 28)


Gülhane Park Cistern Photo Album (Byzantine Legacy Flickr)

Gülhane Sarnıcı (Atatürk Kitaplığı)

Gülhane Parkı Sarnıcı (İBB Turizm Platformu)

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